Learn The Facts About Low Blood Pressure | HPFY
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We have all heard the warnings about high blood pressure, but what about the other end of the spectrum and low blood pressure or hypotension? It may seem like low blood pressure is a good thing, but are there potential health hazards that come with this seemingly “good” blood pressure reading? It turns out that there are some potentially hazardous health issues that low blood pressure can present. Understanding these numbers can help you head off any potential problems from fainting to shock.
What is Low Blood Pressure?
The peril of high blood pressure is well documented, but not many people talk about the potential hazards of having low blood pressure. What exactly constitutes low blood pressure? When you have your blood pressure taken there are two numbers of importance: systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. All these fancy words mean are blood pressure of your heart at rest (diastolic) and pressure of your heart when beating (systolic). Low blood pressure or hypotension is considered when there is a reading of 90 mmHg for systolic pressure and 60 mmHg for diastolic pressure.
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What are the Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure?
Symptoms of hypotension can include:
- Tiredness
- Blurred vision
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Confusion
- Nausea
The symptoms can be caused by a number of issues including medication, dehydration, and other potentially serious medical issues. While high blood pressure can present its own health issues, the effects of hypotension should not be ignored. Extreme hypotension or low blood pressure can lead to shock which can be life-threatening. In fact, one German study determined that in elderly people with high blood pressure there was no tangible risk of fatal issues, but a higher rate of issues in those with lower blood pressure, especially during pregnancy (including low birth weight and perinatal mortality). Seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it?
How to Diagnosis and Treat Low Blood Pressure?
If you suspect you suffer from hypotension, your doctor may decide on a series of tests to determine if you truly suffer from this disorder or if it is a temporary condition. Some tests that he may order include, but are not limited to:
- Blood Test: This can give you an overall synopsis of your health. It can determine your blood sugar levels, red blood cell count, and other issues which could contribute to hypotension.
- Electrocardiogram (ECG): A non-invasive test done at your doctor’s office that can determine irregularities in your heart rhythm, any structural abnormalities in the heart, and potential problems with blood and oxygen supply to the heart.
- Echocardiogram: Also noninvasive, this ultrasound of your heart can provide detailed images of your heart and its functions.
- Stress Test: This particular test can determine if there are any problems while your heart is under a workload and stress.
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