What is the Difference Between Type I & Type II Diabetes?
Unfortunately, incidents of diabetes are increasing in our country. As many of you know there are two types of diabetes and the causes are quite different.
Both Type I and Type II diabetes are related to how our body either doesn’t produce insulin or can’t absorb it in our cells. That’s the main difference between the two and both types of diabetes can lead to complications that can be life-threatening if left untreated for an extended period of time.
As your health and wellness partner, HPFY would like to shed light on the two types of diabetes and how they may affect you.
Type I vs. Type II Diabetes
There’s a good chance you know someone living with diabetes. Understanding the subtle, but important differences between Type I and Type II diabetes can allow you to properly live with diabetes successfully.
Type I and type II diabetes occurs due to issues with how the body produces insulin and how it’s used by our cells. Insulin is a peptide hormone that is produced in the pancreas by beta cells and regulates the absorption of glucose in the blood. Those with insufficient or no production or absorption suffer from diabetes mellitus.
Differences in Type I and Type II diabetes include:
According to the CDC, roughly 37.3 million Americans have diabetes, that’s about 11.3% of the population. This is troubling! What’s even more disturbing is that 8.5 million people may be living with diabetes and don’t know it. On top of that, approximately 96 million US adults have been diagnosed with prediabetics.
Controlling Type I or Type II Diabetes
Whether you are diagnosed with Type I or Type II diabetes, adhering to lifestyle changes can help minimize the damage of your diabetes diagnosis. Items from our site healthproductforyou.com can assist you on your diabetes wellness journey.
1. Freestyle Lite Blood Glucose Monitoring System with Innovative Automatic Calibration
This blood glucose monitoring system doesn’t need the manual coding steps others require. The virtually pain-free testing requires very little blood and gives results in an average of 5 seconds.
Be healthy!
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