What is Urinary Incontinence

Health Products For You
2 min readOct 6, 2017



Razia Sanwari

Urinary incontinence is any leakage of urine that is not within your control and which may happen at an unsuitable time and the most inappropriate place. It is quite a common problem and can often be a source of embarrassment leading to an impact on social life. However, incontinence in itself is not a disease but the result of some underlying disorder.

The severity of urinary incontinence differs from person to person. While some may experience dribbles from a cough, sneeze, or even laughter there are others who suffer heavy leakage if they are unable to get to the toilet on time. Incontinence involves leaking urine and bladder leakage to frequent urination and total loss of bladder control.

Four types of urinary incontinence

There are four types of urinary incontinence — stress urinary incontinence, urge urinary incontinence, overflow urinary incontinence, and total urinary incontinence. And the loss of bladder control in all types is mostly for different reasons.

1. Stress Incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence, or SUI, is a problem that affects both men and women and is the most common kind in women. This type is characterized by dribbling urine when pressure is exerted on the bladder as a result of a cough, sneeze, laughing, or exercise. In women, the reasons are weak pelvic floor muscles or loss of support of the urethra as a result of childbirth and also physical changes due to menopause. Men may be affected by SUI following prostate cancer treatment when the prostate gland has been removed.

2. Urge Incontinence: What is urge urinary incontinence caused by

The second type of urge incontinence is characterized by the sudden and urgent need to urinate resulting in involuntary loss of urine without getting sufficient time to get to the toilet. This is due to an overactive bladder and caused by unrestrained contractions of the detrusor muscle.

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